Import in Tabsters


The import is a powerful tool that allows you to create and / or modify your projects within the Tabsters tool from a standardized Excel file for the nomenclature of the tool.

By defining the different columns that you want to see filled in Tabsters, the different elements (Portfolio, Project, Action ...) and the hierarchy that may exist between them, you can get a project ready to use on your Tabsters environment.

There are 3 different types of imports in Tabsters that you can discover below:


Import in modification


The import in modification allows you to modify existing project values in the Tabsters tool.

To ensure the success of this type of import, you must imperatively add in your Excel import file, the column "Item ID".
This information is essential for Tabsters because it will allow the tool to know which element is concerned by the modification you are trying to perform.


Import in modification - From an export


1. Prepare your file

  • Display the columns to update by clicking on the icon
    Make sure to add the Item ID column
  • Export your project using the Export view feature by clicking on the icon
    An Excel file will then open on your computer
  • Update your Excel file with the modifications you wish to see in the Tabsters Webapp

    WARNING : Make sure to delete the current element's row (In our example case, the business line one) otherwise your import will fail

2. Start the import

  • From the Tabsters webapp, click on the "Import" icon
    and choose your up to date Excel file by cicking on

    If you have saved, your file should be in the Downloads directory

3. Mapping

  • Once the correct file selected, a mapping pop-up will be displayed
    Check that your columns and the Tabsters one do match. Once it is done, click on

4. Confirmation

  • Once the validation is done, a pre-validation table composed of 4 informative columns and a preview of your imported data will be displayed.

    WARNING : If a Warning or Error information is displayed, then do not validate and correct the problem before performing your import again.

5. Final result

  • Once your import correctly done, here is the final result

Import in creation


The import in creation allows you to create your projects with your different data in Tabsters, from your Excel file.

There are 2 types of import in creation:

  • The import in creation without hierarchy

  • The import in creation with hierarchy


Import in creation - Without hierarchy


If you are importing directly from the parent level at which you want to have your items (Business line level if you are creating projects, project level if you are creating workpackages...), you do not need to add any additional columns because Tabsters will, by default, create any item that does not have additional information as a child of the N level you are importing from.

On the other hand, if you want to import several elements that are not direct children of the level where you are located (Workpackages, actions or tasks from the business line level for example), you must imperatively fill in the "Parent ID" and "Item type" columns.

Without these columns, your import in creation will not be done correctly.


1. Prepare your file

  • From your Excel file, list all the elements you wish to import in Tabsters

    For example : A projects list with their start and end dates

2. Launch the import

  • Import your file at the desired level by clicking on the icon , then click on the button

3. Mapping

  • A mapping pop-up will then be displayed.

    If the names of the columns you have entered matches the Tabsters nomenclature, then an automatic mapping will be suggested.
    If not, the row in question will appear in red and you can manually map your columns to match those in Tabsters, by clicking on the small arrow next to its name.

  • Note : If a column should not be imported, then choose the value "-NA-" for this column

4. Confirmation

  • Once the validation is done, a pre-validation table composed of 4 informative columns and a preview of your imported data will be displayed.

    WARNING : If a Warning or Error information is displayed, then do not validate and correct the problem before performing your import again.

5. Final result

  • Once your import correctly done, here is the final result


Import in creation - With hierarchy


The import in creation with hierarchy allows you to create projects on several levels (Project, Workpackage, Action, Task..) in Tabsters from your Excel file.

For this type of import, you must imperatively fill in the columns "Item ID", "Parent ID" and "Item type" in your Excel file.

This information will allow Tabsters to recognize the hierarchy you want to implement in Tabsters, as well as the different levels of elements you are importing.

Be careful not to reuse the Tabsters nomenclature for the "Item ID" and "Parent ID" columns, otherwise Tabsters will understand that you are trying to import modifications for elements that already exist within the application.
This could result in overwriting data from your projects by mistake.


1. Prepare your file

  • From Excel , create your structure in your file and fill in the required data.

    WARNING : For each row you will create in your file, you will need :
               - A fictional Item ID (which does not exist within Tabsters)
               - A fictional Parent ID (which does not exist within Tabsters)
               - The Item type depending on the level on which you are importing (Project, Action, Workpackage, task)

Note : The Item type must always be in English

2. Launch the import

  • Import your file at the desired level by clicking on the icon , then click on the button

3. Mapping

  • A mapping pop-up will then be displayed.

    If the names of the columns you have entered matches the Tabsters nomenclature, then an automatic mapping will be suggested.
    If not, the row in question will appear in red and you can manually map your columns to match those in Tabsters, by clicking on the small arrow next to its name.

  • Note : If a column should not be imported, then choose the value "-NA-" for this column

4. Confirmation

  • Once the validation is done, a pre-validation table composed of 4 informative columns and a preview of your imported data will be displayed.

    WARNING : If a Warning or Error information is displayed, then do not validate and correct the problem before performing your import again.

5. Final result

  • Once your import correctly done, here is the final result