Risks View


What is "Risks View"

The "Risks View" report is represented graphically or in table format. The report is created using a risk block's view (columns, sorting, filters). It allows you to display your risks on the perimeter along with the chosen informations.

Use case example : This report can be used to monitor your projects' open risks in a visual way.


How is the slide built?

The slide is built by displaying the view you have selected. The slide will rebuild the view you created in the Risks tab with the filters and fields saved in the view.
Allows you to select the view you wish to build into the slide.
Using the additional parameters you can display a risk matrix next to the table with the risks' list.
Display when no view has been selected yet.
Display when a view has been selected.

Additional parameters

Parameter* Description
Display risk matrix Displays the risk's matrix on the slide

*Click on any parameter to get more informations on its usage.


At what level is it available?

  • Project hierarchy : Business Line, Project,
  • Resource : Entity, Resource
  • Axis : Business lines grouping, Projects grouping


It is not yet possible to put a risks matrix in a graphic view slide.


Slide setting example