One pager dashboard


What is "One pager dashboard" ?

The "Project dashboard" report is represented in a macro-planning format, while allowing you to display qualitative (meteo, trend) and quantitative (progress, number of risks and alerts) indicators.

Use case example : This report can be used as an introduction to a committee to give an overview of several projects. By presenting the main progress and warning indicators, it allows you to quickly visualize the projects requiring attention. Typically, these projects and points of attention are then detailed during the committee through other reports.


How is the slide built ?

The slide is built in 4 zones, represented by the orange zones in the image above:

The title zone displays the object concerned by the slide (business line, project, workpackages...) as well as the title of the slide

This second area represents the timeline, which is divided into up to 12 periods depending on the length of the chosen period in the date range.

This third zone displays the different projects and associated indicators (progress, meteo, trend, ...) as well as its description.

This last zone forms the gantt, the workpackages are represented by a dot of a different color according to the status with, by default, their name as a label. You also have the possibility to display the time period of the action, to change the milestone's shape or to change the label type. Other parameters are also available and can be added with

Additional parameters

Parameter* Description
Display chart legend Displays the schedule's color legend
Display today position Allows you to add a line representing the current date
Meteo definition Allows you to choose between the available options to display or not the meteo and/or the trend.
Progress definition Allows you to choose among the possible options whether or not to display the progress and/or the progress' trend.
Warning definition Allows you to choose whether or not to display the number of alerts/warnings
Risks definition Allows you to choose whether or not to display the amount of risks
Budget definition Allows you to choose between the possible options of displaying or not the budget, in euros or in man days.
Text definition Allows you to choose the field to display after the project's name
Workpackage milestone format Allows you to choose the milestones' format (circle, diamond or triangle)
Milestone label Allows you to choose the milestone's label to be displayed to add the date or progress for example
Meteo display mode Allows you to choose the meteo display, either in meteo mode (sun, cloud...) or in traffic light mode (display of green, orange, red dots...)
TextDefinition Column 2 Allows you to choose the milestone's color according to either the status or the meteo
TextDefinition Column 2 Allows you to choose a second field to be displayed after the project name

*Click on any parameter to get more informations on its usage


At what level is it available ?

  • Project hierarchy : Project
  • Resource : N/A
  • Axis : Projects grouping


  • Comming soon :

Slide setting example