

What is "Decisions"?

The "Decisions" report is displayed as a table, allowing you to display the list of your decisions on the chosen perimeter with the list of selected fields.

Use case example : This report can be used to identify all the decisions taken or to be taken on the chosen perimeter and to ensure that they are carried out correctly (planning dates filled in, meeting created and linked to this decision, etc.). It can also be used to consult the minutes of the meeting during which the decision was taken.


How is the slide built?

The slide is built in 2 areas, represented by the orange areas in the image above:

The title area displays the object concerned by the slide (business line, project, workpackage, etc.) as well as the title of the slide

This second area forms a table where the different information related to the decisions created in a project is displayed, according to columns that can be chosen to be displayed and ordered by the parameter

At what level is it available ?

  • Projet hierarchy : Business Line, Project
  • Ressource : N/A
  • Axe : Business lines grouping, Projects grouping, Workpackages grouping


  • Link a decision to a meeting : this will make it easier to find out at which meeting the decision was taken and to retrieve the various contextual information recorded (minutes, presentations, etc.)

    Slide setting example