Business line dashboard


What is "Business line dashboard" ?

The "Business line dashboard" report is shown as a summary dashboard of the selected Business line.

Use case example : This report can be used as an introduction to a committee meeting to give a business line's overview. By presenting the main progress and warning indicators, it allows you to quickly visualize the points requiring attention. Typically, projects and areas of attention are then detailed during the committee through other reports.


How is the slide built ?

The slide is built in 4 zones, represented by the orange zones in the image above:

The title area displays the object concerned by the slide (business line, project, workpackage...) as well as the title of the slide

This second zone displays several headers representing the progress' rate of the business line, the meteo and trend information, the amount of open decisions, risks and incidents as well as the amount of reported alerts

This third zone represents a timeline from the start date to the end date of the business line. On this timeline are the projects and the workpackages associated with their status

This last zone is composed of 4 sections :
- Progress : this section shows the progress of each workpackages that constitues the project, as well as the consolidated progress of the budget and performance (kpi/earnings)
- Major events : this section displays the informations providedin the fields "Previous period", "Future period" and "Overview" at the business line's level
- Governance and risks : this section contains all the decisions, risks and incidents reported within the projects making up this business line
- Deliverables : this section lists the projects and workpackages in the business line and their end dates

At what level is it available ?

  • Project hierarchy : Business Line
  • Resource : N/A
  • Axis : Business lines grouping


  • Too much data ? : Don't forget that all the elements are modifiable, you can also adjust the slide after it has been generated

Slide setting example