Webview sharing in Tabsters


Following the overhaul of the webview system, a new feature has been added :
view sharing.
Find out here how it works, and how to use it.

In the same section, also discover

The overhaul of the view system in Tabsters has led to a reorganization of view display and management. From now on, the webviews displayed on the various tabs correspond to the pinned views.

You can choose which webviews are pinned to the display, and unpin them if you wish. By default, if you don't have any custom webviews, the default webviews will be displayed.

The overhaul of the webview system has also introduced a new feature: webview sharing, allowing you to share the webviews you've setup with your colleagues or team, for example.

This feature enables you to share webviews directly within the application, without having to send a link to your collaborators, and without having to duplicate the webview to save a personal copy.

Webview sharing works on a rights-based system, just like project management in the Tabsters environment.

You can share your webviews individually or massively using user groups, and also choose the type of sharing you want to make (read, modify or administration).


The different type of rights


By default, all users are set to "No access" on your webviews, which means they can't see your webview at the moment.
For a user to be able to access your webview, they must be granted one of the three following rights:

  • The read right allows the user to whom this right is assigned to view your view without being able to make any modifications.
    The user can however, "Save view as" to create a personal copy of your webview that can be modified later.

  • The modification right allows the user to whom this right is assigned to perform modifications on your webview, such as adding columns, applying sorts/filters, renaming it...

  • The Administration right allows the user to whom this right is assigned to perform modifications on your webview, as well as to share it with other users, but also to delete it.

Beware, the modification & administration rights allow the user to whom you share your webview to make changes on your webview directly, and not on a copy of the webview, or even to delete it.

This type of right should therefore be assigned with care to avoid unwanted modifications, or even deletions, of your webviews.


How to share a view ?


Webviews can be shared from the pinned views contextual menu.

  • Display the list of your pinned views if they are not already displayed, by clicking on the 3 bars in the top left-hand corner, labelled with the title of the current webview.

    This will display a contextual menu containing the list of your pinned views.

  • If the webview you wish to share is not in your list of pinned views, you can add it by clicking on the "+" icon in the top right-hand corner of the contextual menu, then click on the blue pin icon next to the view you wish to share.
    Your webview will then appear in the list of your pinned views.

  • Next, click on the three small dots to the right of the title of the view you wish to share, and select the "Share view" option.

  • A pop-up window appears, listing the users and user groups you can share your webview to.

    N.B : This list only shows users to whom you have rights on. If someone you should see is not on this list, please contact your Tabsters' administrator.

  • You can look for the user to whom you wish to share your view using the search bar at the top right of the pop-up.

    Once you have found your user, you can share your view with them by clicking on the label to the right of their name, and selecting one of the three available rights (Read, Modify, Administration).


Once the right has been assigned, the user in question will be able to access your webview by clicking on the blue "+" in the list of pinned views, in the "User views" section of the shared view type.