Risks matrix


What is "Risks matrix" ?

The "Risks matrix" report represents your risks along the probability/impact axis in a matrix and displays the risks' list in a detailed table over the desired columns

User case example : This report can be used to monitor your project 's risks in a visual way


How is th slide built ?

The slide is built in 3 zones, represented by the orange zones in the image above:

The title zone displays the object concerned by the slide (Business line, project, workpackages, ...) as well as the slide's title

This second zone, in a matrix form, allows the different risks represented by numbers in the matrix to be placed according to their impact and probability.

This last zone, in a table format, displays the list of risks and the corresponding information that can be configured by choosing and ordering the columns with

which level is it available at ?

  • Project hierarchy : Business Line, Project, Workpackage
  • Resource : N/A
  • Axis : Business lines grouping, Projects grouping, workpackages grouping


  • Nothing displaying ? : Check that the fields to be displayed are defined and that filters do not hide your data
  • Need to make a diagonal filter ? : Use the severity field for your filter, it is based on impact + probability

Slide setting example