Progress details


What is "Progress details"?

The "Progress details" report is represented graphically along with a list, allowing you to view the details of the progress along an axis on the selected perimeter.

Use case example : This report can be used to get an overview of the progress of your projects or actions, for example, with a list for additional information.


How is the slide built?

The slide is built in 3 areas, represented by the orange areas in the image above:

The title area displays the object concerned by the slide (business line, project, workpackage, etc.) as well as the title of the slide

This second area forms the progress graph in relation to the chosen axis . It shows the progression shown as well as the initial progress, based on a linear progression calculation

This last area, in the form of a table, displays a list of elements according to the columns and the order chosen in the parameters

At what level is it available ?

  • Projet hierarchy : Business Line, Project, Workpackage
  • Ressource : Entity
  • Axe : Business lines grouping, Projects grouping, Workpackages grouping


  • Progress & Inital progress : The progress corresponds to the consolidated progression at the level of the chosen axis. The initial progress, corresponds to the consolidated linear progress at the level of the chosen axis, and calculated according to the dates entered.
  • 100% initial progress : Initial progress is considered 100% if the end date has passed or if there is no date entered.
  • No data feedback? : This report works on the basis of a progress based on the burned, if you have a different way of calculating the progress, other reports will be available to make the same type of graph, if you have no workload data on a project, it will not be displayed.

Slide setting example