Planning summary


What is "Planning summary" ?

The "Planning summary" report is represented in a gantt format, allowing you to display the elements of 2 levels (projects & workpackages when at business line level, workpackages & actions when at project level,...). You can narrow down the selection using filters, the time period of your choice and sorts.

Use case example : This report can be used to monitor the progress of your projects over time in a schedule's form.


How is the slide built ?

The slide is built in 3 zones, represented by the orange zones in the image above:

The title area displays the object covered by the slide (Business line, project, workpackage...) as well as the slide's title.

This second zone represents the timeline, which is divided into a maximum of 12 periods depending on the length of the chosen period in the date range

This last zone forms the gantt, the elements are displayed there, associated with a color according to the status with the label's name. You also have the option of displaying the period and changing the milestone's shape. Other parameters are also available and can be added with

Additional parameters

Parameter* Description
Display today position Allows you to add a line representing the current date
Workpackage milestone format Allows you to choose the milestone's format (circle, diamond or triangle)
Letter in milestone If the child milestone is displayed, allows you to choose the axis whose first letter will be used within the milestone (ex: None, Task_Type, Category)
Milestone color mode Allows you to choose the milestone's color according to either the status or meteo

*Click on any parameter to get more informations about its usage


Which level is it available at ?

  • Project hierarchy : Business Line, Project, Workpackage
  • Resource : N/A
  • Axis : Business lines grouping, Projects grouping, Workpackages grouping


  • Nothing displaying ? : Check that you have chosen a period containing data.

Slide setting example