Meeting Card


What is "Meeting Card" ?

The "Meeting Card" report is displayed as an information sheet on the selected meeting with a list of the selected blocks.

Use case example : This report can be used to produce the minutes of a meeting.


How is the slide built ?

The slide is built in 3 areas, represented by the orange areas in the image above:

The title area displays the object concerned by the slide, in this case the business line, as well as the title of the slide

This second area represents the left pane. It is built with different fields that can be modified or added using the additional parameters.

This last area forms the rigth pane. It is built exactly like the left pane, using the additional parameters

Additional parameters

Parameter* Description
Add Business Line to slide name Allows you to add the Business line's name above the slide title
Milestone level Allows you to define which level is taken into account in the Delivery table.
Meteo display mode Allows you to choose how the meteo is displayed, either in meteo mode (sun, cloud...) or in traffic light mode (display of green, orange, red dots...)
Header box mode “Icon, Intercalary”
Right pane Allows you to define which blocks to display on the right side of the slide. For example "Detail" allows you to display the report
Left pane Allows you to define which blocks to display on the left side of the slide. For example "Decisions" to display the decisions of the meeting and Issues to define follow-up actions

*Click on any setting to get more informations on its usage.


Which level is it available at ?

  • Project hierarchy : N/A
  • Resource : N/A
  • Axis : N/A
  • Meeting : Meeting


  • Minutes : By attaching decisions and incidents to your meeting, you can quickly create a meeting report with this slide

Slide setting example