Dashboard view


What is "Dashboard view" ?

The "Dashboard view" report displays your selected dashboard's view. You will find the structure and mini blocks you have chosen. Please note that only one slide will be generated and that tables will be truncated if they exceed the mini blocks' height.

Use case example : This report can be used to get an overview of the chosen Business line's different informations.


How is the slide built ?

The slide is built by displaying the view you have selected. The slide will reconstruct the view you have created in your dashboard with the block's distribution and each block's available views.
Allows you to select the view you wish to build into the slide.
Display when no view has been selected yet
Display when a view has been selected.

Which level is it available at ?

  • Project hierarchy : Business Line, Project, Workpackage
  • Resource : Entity, Resource
  • Axis : Business lines grouping, Projects grouping, Workpackages grouping


  • Quick view access : You can quickly access your view using the icon next to the name of your view. If you modify your view, the changes will be automatically taken into account.
  • Empty block ? Some blocks are still under development, contact support for more informations: support@tabsters.fr

Slide setting example