Webviews in Tabsters


Tabsters’ webview system has undergone an overhaul.
Find out more about it here.


What’s a webview ?


To properly understand how Tabsters' webviews work, it's first important to understand what makes up a webview.

A webview in Tabsters corresponds to the layout on your screen, and contains all display parameters such as :

  • the display type (table, schedule, kanban, pivot, graph, list, dashboard)

  • the choice of columns displayed and the size of each column

  • the sorts & filters

  • the display level (e.g. tree level, project level, etc. for roadmaps) and folded or unfolded tree elements

  • ... the other display parameters available for planning, kanban, graph, list, etc.

All these settings are saved in the webview when you save, and can be reused for future navigations, Power Point communications and Dashboards.

A webview is specific to the level at which it is set up, i.e. if you set up a view at the roadmap level of a project card, you will only be able to access it at the roadmap level of other project cards. It will not be available in other tabs (Dashboard, Issues, Risks, etc.), nor at other card levels (Business line, Workpackage, Action, Task, etc.).




The redesign of the Tabsters' webview system has led to a reorganization of webview display and management.

You can now organize your webviews :

  • See the webviews you need to access quickly, or your most useful views, by pinning them to the retractable pinned views sidebar.

  • See the rest of the webviews to which you have access and which are not pinned, by clicking on the blue "+" button in the pinned views sidebar to access the webviews' pop-up.

By default, if you don't have any custom views, the default webviews are displayed.


The different type of views


When a user logs on to an environment for the first time, he has not yet set up any personalized webviews. In order for him to still see the various information already present in the application, or to have a base from which to start, there are what are known as generic webviews, which are standardized webviews that provide a view of each of the webapp's screens, which all users can see when they log onto the environment.

These webviews can not be modified directly by the users.

If the user modifies the display of columns, sorting or filters, for example, they will not be able to save them in these webviews.
To be able to save a webview, the user will have to save its settings in another webview, which will then become a user webview.

These user webviews are therefore personalized webviews, owned by the user which other users can not access (unless the webview is shared).

There are different types of webview depending on the tab the user is in:

  • Table or list webviews, which are the default webviews a user arrives at when browsing the various tabs. These webviews are available on all project element tabs (except Dashboard, Meteo and Communication tabs). These webviews save your choice of columns (table icon), filters (funnel icon), sorting (double arrow icon), column size (bars between each column) and display level (pyramid icon).

  • Planning webviews enable you to display your project in the form of a Gantt chart. The Gantt chart gives you a visual representation of the progress of the various activities that make up your project.
    On the left part, you'll find the columns containing your project's data and on the right part, your activities represented by a horizontal bar, which position and length represent its start date, duration and end date.
    These webviews save your choice of columns (table icon), filters (funnel icon), sorting (double arrow icon), column size (bars between each column) and display level (pyramid icon) and parameters (cogwheel icon).

  • Kanban webviews enable you to display your project in the form of a list based on parameterizable axis. These webviews offer a visual representation that enables you to track activities in real time, manage priorities and encourage collaboration between team members. Each activity is displayed in the form of a card presenting the project information you require, which you can configure with the choice of columns.
    These webviews save your choice of columns (table icon), filters (funnel icon), sorting (double arrow icon), axis choices (compass icon) and display level (pyramid icon).

  • Pivot webviews allow you to display your project data in the form of graphical indicators or tables.
    These webviews save your filters (funnel icon), sorting (double arrow icon), display level (map icon), display type (table icon for switching from graphical to tabular display), graph type & legend display (graph icon), data formatting (sheet icon with pencil) and field selection (table icon with cogwheel to define the axis of your graph/table).

  • Graphical webviews allow you to display your project data as customized graphs or from a template. These webviews save your filters (funnel icon), sorts (arrow icon), display level (box icon) and chart settings (cogwheel icon).


The chart setup contains :

  • The model type (yellow text with inverted arrow) which allows you to chose, if you wish to, a personalized graph or a graph from a model.

  • The mode, allowing to display either a graph or a table.

  • The graph type (column, bar, area, heatmap etc.).

  • The graph composition (“X axis”, “Category” and “Indicators”).

  • The legend (Display and position of the legend).

  • The labels (Display, position and label composition) which correspond to the values displayed in the graph’s columns.

All these parameters are saved in the graphical webview.


How to make a webview?


In order to have the display that meets your needs, it is important to configure your own webviews.

  • To do this, depending on the level you are at and the available displays, choose the type of view you wish to create. For our example, we'll choose a table webview at Roadmap level, but the principle remains the same for other Tabsters screens and webview types.

  • If you don't already have customized views, Tabsters will display default views for each display types. Click on the three small dots to the right of "Global table".
    Please note that, depending on your environment, the default webviews may have different names.


A contextualized menu with several options will then appear. Click on the "Save view as" option.


A new view named "Copy of Global Table" will then appear at the top of the list. Your new customized view has just been created.
You can now configure your view by choosing the columns you want to see, your filters/sorts, etc.


If you click on the 3 small dots to the right of the webview you have just created, you will have access to new options not available on the default webviews, such as "Rename view" to let you choose the name of your webview, or "Save view" to save the changes you have made to your webview.

  • Clicking on "Rename view" will open the label text box to allow you to edit it.
    Once your webview has been renamed, simply click outside the text box.
    Please note that you don't need to click on "Save view" after renaming your webview, as this is done automatically.


When you make changes to your webview, you may notice that a small floppy disk icon appears to the right of your custom webview name.
If you click on it, it will allow you to save the changes you have made to your webview, just as if you had clicked on the "Save view" option.


If you click on the "Unpin view" option, your personalized webview will disappear from the list of currently displayed webviews and will be added to the list of available webviews, which you can access by clicking on the blue plus icon to the right of "My pinned views".
On the other hand, if you click on "Delete view", your view will disappear permanently and can not be recovered.

  • If you click on the blue plus, a pop-up window will open listing the views available for your user.
    You will find the default views in the "Generic views" section, and your customized webviews in the "User views" section.
    If you wish to display a webview in the list of pinned views so that you can access or modify it, simply click on the small blue pin to the left of its name.