Calculated fields in Tabsters


In Tabsters, some data modifications causes a spreading or recalculation of other datas.
You may find here the list of each impact that your modifications may have


The left column corresponds to the fields the user can modify, the right column corresponds to the calculated fields, automatically updated by Tabsters when a user is making modifications.


Roadmap / Details

Tabsters' fieldsSpreading / Impact
Add dependencies (Gantt)Previous / Next constraints, Previous / Next dependencies, Previous / Next lag
Every available field (Except the 5 meteo fields and custom fields)Data freshness
ComplexityProgress (Depending on the progress calculation mode), Initial complexity (Only if previously empty)
Meteo / Trend / Previous period / Coming period / Overall statusMeteo freshness
ProgressTimeline, Status, Parents’ progress, Progress trend, Burned progress, Burned or workload (Depending on the progress calculation)
Progress calculation modeProgress
ResourceDepartement, Entity, Entity type
Resource + End dateTimetracking, Home page’s agenda
Start / End dateTimeline, Parent Start/End date, Initial start / End date (Only if previously empty)
Workload / Burned MDProgress (Depending on the progress calculation mode), Status (Depending on the progress calculation mode), Progress trend (Depending on the progress calculation mode), Remaining workload, Timetracking, Burned progress, Budget’s doughnut
Technical fieldsComment
Business Line / Project / Workpackage / ActionAutomatically filling according to the project tree
Creator / CreationDateTimeUser who created this element, Element's creation date
Item / Parent IDUnique ID generation, Recovery of the item's parent's unique ID
Item typeAutomatically filling according to the project tree
LastModifyUser / LastModifydateTimeAutomatically filling with the name of the last user who made modifications / Date of modification

Point of attention : Adding a child element on a Project tree line (Ex. Adding a workpackage / Action as a child of a project), may display modifications in the history such as Meteo freshness, Data freshness, Status, Complexity and Parent modifications.
Those modifications do not impact your project, it is the intended way the application works to allow the correct recalculation of the various parent’s level data (such as the complexity).


Risks / Decisions / Issues

Tabsters' fieldsSpreading / Impact
Impact Index, Severity, Risks' matrix
MeetingsMeetings / Meeting type in the Decisions / Issues tabs, Corresponding meeting's Decisions / Issues tabs
Owner + Date de finHome page's agenda
ProbabilityIndex, Severty, Risks' matrix
Technical fieldsComment
Creator / Creation dateUser who created this element, Element's creating date
Item / Parent / Project IDUnique ID generation, Recovery of the item's parent's unique ID / Project's linked to the Risk / Decision / Issue
LastModifyUser / LastModifydateTimeAutomatically filling with the name of the last user who made modifications / Date of modification

Budget / Earnings

Tabsters' fieldsSpreading / Impact
Additional workload € / Burned €Global workload €, Global burned €
Budget € / in MDBudget’s doughnut, % Workload €, % Burned €
Business line / Project / Workpackage / Work typeBusiness line / Project / Workpackage's budget
EntityEntity's budget
From the Roadmap : Burned / Workload MD
From a resource card : DayCost €
Burned / Workload MD
Workload €, Burned €, Global workload €, Global burned €
Initial / Current Target metricProgress metric
ResourceEntity, Resource type
Technical fieldsComment
Item IDUnique ID generation
Item typeAutomatically filling when adding a new budget / earnings line
LastModifyUser / LastModifydateTimeAutomatically filling with the name of the last user who made modifications / Date of modification

Entity / Resource

Tabsters' fieldsSpreading / Impact
CalendarResource's personal time tracking calendar (If a time tracking type has been defined)
Days offEntity / Resource's planning recalculation
DayCost €Entity / Business line / Project's budget (Workload €, Burned €, % Burned €, % Workload €, Global workload €, Global burned €)
Time trackingResource's personal time tracking calendar
Technical fieldsComment
Item / Parent IDUnique ID generation, Recovery of the resource's entity's unique ID
Item typeAutomatically filling when adding a new resource
Last_ConnectionAutomatically filling with the name of the last user who made modifications / Date of modification
LastModifyUser / LastModifydateTimeAutomatically filling with the name of the last user who made modifications / Date of modification